The Chennai Chapter of the National HRD Network was one of the first chapters to be set up. It has been functional since 1987 and has a diverse membership, drawn from the ‘old economy’ sectors of manufacturing and engineering companies as well as from the growth sectors such as IT, ITES/BPO as well as telecom and insurance.
The Chennai chapter has had the distinction of organizing three for the National Conferences of the HRD Network. It also has a track record of regularly conducting regional events. The last such event was a seminar on “The Role of HR in Information Security”, which was conducted jointly with ISACA. Details of the various events conducted recently can be found under the “News & Events” section of the website.
The Chennai chapter currently has around 750 individual members, covering all sections of industry, academia and also some Non-Governmental Organizations. If you wish to become a member, please visit the Membership section for more details.
The chapter has also been actively running knowledge enhancement sessions for its members every month. These sessions feature guest speakers who have in-depth knowledge and experience either in the domain of HR, or business leaders who articulate their expectations from HR professionals in different areas. Details of recent monthly meetings can be found in the “News & Events” section of the website.
The benefits of membership will be very evident in the participation fee for regional events and special programmes. Our goal is to offer at least a 20% discount on the participation fee for such programmes to our members. Further details regarding types of membership, and the benefits, can be seen from the “Membership” section of the website